不食人也愛到連鎖咖啡店流連,喝口咖啡再咬一口牛角酥,看似相當愜意,但原來卡路里隨時爆燈。英國一名以理論為本的健身教練Graeme Tomlinson,在Instagram貼圖,列出部分咖啡店常見的酥皮小食,不少人愛吃的牛角酥原來有290卡路里,邪惡度較低的要數到檸檬撻,大約是128卡路里。而男士們愛吃有肉餡的批,其中牛肉批便高達421卡路里,以正常男士每日吸收2000卡路里計算,已佔了1/5。
Tag a pastry lover, hit save and stay informed on this assortment of sweet and savory pastries. - - It is worth immediately pointing out that, in isolation, these pastries are not entirely optimal for your health. Generally they are calorie/sugar dense and probably contain refined/preservative derived ingredients. That said, what would life be without a cinnamon swirl or a croissant. Note the abandonment of a question mark... - - Just like any food, the items above can have a place in a balanced, supportive diet. And through they are fairly bereft of meaningful nutrient density, they are still items of food with their own nutritional individualities such as taste and texture. - - Instead of labeling these types of foods as evil or universally bad, it’s a better idea to view the nutritional properties that they represent before deciding if (and how often) they can fit into your diet. - For fat loss, it is worth pointing out that regularly consuming 250-350 calories from a few bites of food may not be the best idea if consistent adherence to a calorie deficit is the aim. However, if accurately calculated in to an organised, lucid, enjoyable diet, any calorie dense item can be enjoyed in moderation. - - Which one is your favourite ?? - - #thefitnesschef #cinnamonswirl #pastries #croissant #pastry #calories #caloriedeficit #caloriecounting #diet #iifym #flexibledieting #sweettreat #snacktime #fatlosscoach #fatlosstips #danishpastry #treat
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