為更活靈活現飾演蜘蛛俠 Tom Holland竟靠練芭蕾舞?

@ UPower

你又知唔知Tom Holland為蜘蛛俠這個角色下了幾多苦功?

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Trying out some rings with @bobbydazzler84. My arms are shaking like crazy ???

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Only getting better ??

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過去有不少演員都在大銀幕上飾演過「蜘蛛俠」這角色,但相信在很多觀眾心中,Tom Holland是最受歡迎的一個,他在《美國隊長3:英雄內戰》中首次穿上蜘蛛服,隨即深受喜愛,一年後他再次在《蜘蛛俠:強勢回歸》中飾演蜘蛛俠,他的「娃娃臉」加上強壯的二頭肌,迷倒不少粉絲。

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Little late night workout

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Training with my boy @hollanddiaz ????

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A little circuit from today. Altitude masks suck hahaha. @hazosterfield crushing it!

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Finally got a B-twist down! @gymaidltd #airtrack

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雖然Tom Holland過去有健身的背景,但他為蜘蛛俠這個角色投入更多的苦功,不單是舉重、拳擊、Parkour(跑酷),由於蜘蛛俠這個角色有很多柔軟度要求較高的動作,所以他甚至會進行芭蕾舞、體操等等的訓練,務求在飾演時表現得更好。

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The trinity. @hazosterfield @lifeisaloha ?/ @harryholland64

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Spider lake with the boys ???/ @harryholland64

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Trying something new

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Sequel to southpaw coming soon. #northpaw #billyhope

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