【Trashtag】網上新挑戰Zach King都有玩 想打卡?唔該執垃圾先!
「#Trashtag」挑戰與以前的「Ice Bucket Challenge」有相似地方,都是透過打卡來改善世界,「Ice Bucket Challenge」呼籲大家關心ALS漸凍病人(即是肌肉萎縮性脊髓側索硬化症患者),作出捐款。而「#Trashtag」更將打卡行動化,要求網民直接清理身邊地方,拍出清理前後的對比照片!
Saw the #trashtag and wanted to be apart of it. I honesty don’t think I’ve thought about picking up trash since I was little and was collecting cans to get the 5 cents. If you have 5 minutes today, grab a bag and pick up a handful of trash in your neighborhood. pic.twitter.com/g0ZKRIZp75
— Zach King (@FinalCutKing) 2019年3月14日
據稱,「#Trashtag」挑戰最早於2015年已經出現,由戶外裝備公司UCO Gear發起,雖然受歡迎但並未成熱潮。近日,Byron Román於社交平台Facebook發佈自己清理垃圾的照片,並發起挑戰,寫道「Here is a new #challenge for all you bored teens. Take a photo of an area that needs some cleaning or maintenance, then take a photo after you have done something about it, and post it. Here are the people doing it #BasuraChallenge #trashtag Challenge, join the cau#BasuraChallengeAZ」,希望鼓勵無聊的年輕人清理自己的社區。
世界各地不少網民都紛紛接受挑戰,清理自己身邊的垃圾,就連網絡紅人Zach King都有玩,一邊執垃圾一邊大玩剪接「魔術」。亦因為挑戰引發的實際清理行動,「#Trashtag」被視為是一項有貢獻的網上挑戰。
#trashtag seems to be trending. This one's from Nepal ?? pic.twitter.com/stAxbQXhup
— Kelllvvviiinnn (@kelllvvviiinnn) 2019年3月9日
Along the Potomac River south of Washington, DC #trashtag pic.twitter.com/n2uPL52LZG
— Robbie McNeil (@RMcNeil2105) 2019年3月10日
#trashtag is awesome, never thought I’d support one in a non sarcastic fashion. I sure hope this challenge sticks around. pic.twitter.com/3t2dIqZvsE
— momento (@EddieOhGonzales) 2019年3月10日