吳卓林結婚半年就玩完? 被傳因不長進遭同性女友狠飛

UP_PT @ UPower


吳綺莉19歲女兒卓林,與年長12歲的外籍網紅女友Andi Autumn去年雙雙遠走加拿大尋父,更一度流浪街頭,卓林曾拍片呻無助,其後生活似有改善,二人在社交網站開工作室做生意,於去年11月晒出在加國結婚證書。





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I hate that I inspire you still because you STILL don’t get it girl. Wish you the best but your not even trying to be yourself. Do you even have a self? Saying you “don’t exist” must be lonely for real. Find yourself and stop finding my page. Get well soon thief of my favorite cartoon name. Stealing since we met and never changing all these years. But “deep faking” #deepfakes are going viral these days. What will you have left? I’ve had everything ripped from under me when I was homeless but heart keeps me grounded so I found my way. Get a clue what kind you are. You call yourself pigs but don’t you want to fly like us birds? Take a leap of positivity and stop following me for answers. I don’t even have to try when people send me your “art” and it’s a collage of stolen work so it’s easy to hide. I’m sending love but leave me alone now. Say goodbye finally ok? You can do it!! ?

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