好爸爸「雷神」想陪伴仔女成長 宣布暫別荷里活返澳洲唞唞

UP_PT @ UPower


35歲「雷神」基斯漢斯禾夫(Chris Hemsworth)一向愛家庭,與結婚八年的太太Elsa Pataky尤其恩愛,並育有三子女,包括七歲的大女India Rose,以及一對三歲的雙胞胎兒子Tristan和Sasha。今日(4日),基斯宣布將暫退荷里活,今年餘下的時間將全部都用來陪家人。

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Avengers world premiere last night. This movie’s gonna blow ya socks off ??????? #avengersendgame #marvel

Chris Hemsworth (@chrishemsworth) 分享的帖子 ·

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Just downloaded Thor Ragnarok and the brainwashing has begun, soak it up kids ?? #fatheroftheyear #thorragnarok #thor @taikawaititi @marvel

Chris Hemsworth (@chrishemsworth) 分享的帖子 ·

基斯早前剛完成《復仇者聯盟:終局之戰》(Avengers: Endgame)的宣傳,便要馬上投入《黑超特警組:反轉世界》(Men in Black: International)的宣傳,工作非常忙碌。

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Incredible couple days camping with the family before heading overseas @australia #nothingbetter

Chris Hemsworth (@chrishemsworth) 分享的帖子 ·


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Camping adventures in @australia killing on the bbq!!

Chris Hemsworth (@chrishemsworth) 分享的帖子 ·

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On the hunt for some barrels with my little surf coach ?? thanks for the photo @lukemun

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Epic weekend with these little legends

Chris Hemsworth (@chrishemsworth) 分享的帖子 ·


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