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When I hid in a corner because I wanted to eat my cake✌?? #noregretsjustlove

Eliza Sam 岑麗香 (@heungheungeliza) 分享的帖子 ·

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OMG x 1Million $@*#! Thank you for being my 1 million followers? When I was little my teachers would always tell me to speak up because I was too shy. I never had enough confidence to believe that anyone would care what I had to say. They say your own worst critic is always yourself. I just want to say thank you SO SO SO much to my 1 million fans because every time I gather enough courage to share something personal with you, you always give me so much love and support in return. My hope is that I can share even more with you guys and continue to grow with you guys! Let’s do an “ask me anything” live chat! What would you guys want to know about me and when is a good time? ? Lemme know!

Eliza Sam 岑麗香 (@heungheungeliza) 分享的帖子 ·


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