【集思廣益】Reddit網民兩句講嘅恐怖故事 睇完毛管戙
(No, I didn't kill the family. They were alive and well when I buried them.
(I understand that kids lose their shoes all the time officer. What I'm trying to explain to you is that the one I found still has a foot in it.)
(When I told him to jump, I didn't really expect him to. And I was right, so I pushed him.)
( I can't believe I stopped someone from getting murdered today! All it took was a little bit of self-control.)
「 我從都來唔信呢個世界有鬼。直至我見到自己仲瞓左喺床度。」
( I never thought ghosts existed. Until I saw my body on the bed.)
( I watched as the police looked around the room for the missing woman. I wish they would have checked under the floor boards.)
( To start the surgery, the doctor pressed down on the scalpel, cutting my skin. I couldn't scream, I couldn't tell him that I was still awake.)
( I told my dad there was a dead woman in the closet. "Don't be silly" he said, " I put you mom under the bed.")