FNC《英雄聯盟》S9八強出局 賽後爆對內不和前教練揭內幕
《英雄聯盟》S9 世界賽歐洲隊伍 Fnatic(FNC)止步八強,賽後有傳隊伍內部不和,雖各方透過Twitter澄清表示並無不和,但前教練在訪談中卻透露細節,惹來粉絲猜測,再度引發討論。
FNC傳出打野選手 Broxah 與下路 AD Rekkles 不和。雙方各自在Twitter上澄清這些都是謠言。
Broxah 說:「那些關於我跟 Rekkles 互相不喜歡對方且關係很差的謠言應該要被制止,我們尊重彼此也會在必要時給予對方建議與支持,我們之間不存在爭吵。」他更分享兩人擁抱的照片,說:「這看起來像是不和嗎?」
The rumors about @RekklesLoL and me disliking each other and having a poor relatonship needs to stop. We have a lot of mutual respect towards each other, as well as always sharing advice and showing support when necessary. A world where we would fight simply doesn't exist.
— Broxah (@BroxahLoL) November 16, 2019
The rumors about @RekklesLoL and me disliking each other and having a poor relatonship needs to stop. We have a lot of mutual respect towards each other, as well as always sharing advice and showing support when necessary. A world where we would fight simply doesn't exist.
— Broxah (@BroxahLoL) November 16, 2019
歐洲其他戰隊見這麼熱鬧,也開始模仿澄清的內容調侃FNC, G2 率先表示他們與 FNC 並無不和,隨後北美戰隊 C9 和 TL 也表示兩隊之間並沒有矛盾,後來連歐洲 LEC 聯賽都稱自己跟北美 LCS 聯賽沒有不和。
The rumors about @FNATIC and me disliking each other and having a poor relationship needs to stop. We have a lot of mutual respect towards each other, as well as always sharing advice and showing support when necessary. A world where we would fight simply doesn't exist.
— G2 Esports (@G2esports) November 16, 2019
Does this look like hate to you? pic.twitter.com/HzdOAS8Qm3
— G2 Esports (@G2esports) November 16, 2019
惡搞還惡搞,FNC 前任教練 Joey 在訪問中卻透漏 FNC 的隊內氣氛不及去年,他指在2018年時選手都相當盡心盡力,隊伍也很融洽,但是在2019年隊內部分選手對訓練不專注,不接受別人意見也不提供建議,甚至私下表示在隊伍中非常不愉快。